My interests working as a graphic designer include the conceptional way of thinking. In all of my work I try to achieve a new critical approach on design.
I'd love to hear from you!
2019–2023 Bachelor Visual Communication ZHdK
2022–2022 Exchange Bachelor Graphic Design KABK (Den Haag, NL)
2014–2018 Graphic Design Apprenticeship, Fachklasse Grafik St. Gallen
2021–2022 Mauro Paolozzi
2018–2019 Tube Design
2017–2018 Mind Design
2017–2018 Craig Sinnamon Design
Clients (Selection)
ETH Department Architecture DFAB FUBU
HEK (Haus der elektronischen Künste)
Heimspiel 2024
Les Bulles
Kauz Club Zürich
Migma Performance Festival
Museum für Gestaltung
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

I‘d love to hear from you!

Kauz Club Zürich | 2021 | 297 mm × 420 mm
In cooperation with Tim Oechslin
Kauz Club Zürich is a client, which I work for since September 2021. This particular project is a Poster for their 8-year anniversary. Our work mostly contains social media representation and the visual language of the club.
ZHdK Diploma Publication | 2021 | 210 mm × 297 mm
In cooperation with Imma Caretta and Minami Wetli
The Diploma Publication is a yearly Book of the ZHdK to showcase all final Bachelor Project of the students. We decided to make a publication that includes more information about the persons and their inspirations. Everything is sorted by alphabet and has links to persons or articles. So that the Reader is faster finding a specific text, we decided on column and article numbers.

FUBU Poster | 2021 | 895 mm × 1280 mm
In cooperation with Imma Caretta and Dimitris Giannoulas
For talks at ZHdK about graphic design, that are organized by students for students (FUBU — For Us By US), we designed monthly Poster.

Karl Kave & Durian | 2023 | 800 mm × 1400 mm
For the band Karl Kave & Durian I designed the vinyl and the digital releases for their new album ‚Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Night‘. I used a custom made font, inspired by their song ‚ sausage dog‘.
Calder | 2021–2022 | .otf
For the Exhibition Hättenschweiler in Museum für Gestaltung Zurich, I did a revival of his Font Calder. The starting point was a drawing of the letters C, A, L, D, E, R. In the spirit of the main characters I added the rest of the alphabet.
You can test it here

Culture Enjeu | 2021 | 210 mm × 290 mm
In cooperation with Milena Küpfer, Silvan Koller and Alexander Meyer
For the French Magazine ‚Culture Enjeu‘ with the title „Within the limit of available seats“, our group concipated a picture series around the topic. The magazine is about the subject of cultural traffic jams created by the pandemic. Our aim was it to capture daily accident from different perspectives. We worked with four cameras, one live camera from Zurich and a Facetime call to show the various anglesof the incident.

Kauz Club Zürich | 2023 | 297 mm × 420 mm
In cooperation with Tim Oechslin
Vally | 2022 | .otf
Most of the typographic ornaments are rather static, even if they are based on floral shapes. This typeface was inspired by Marie Antionettes English gardens at a time when the constructed gardens of Versaille were on vouge. The characters allow to produce a somewhat wilder handling of the ornaments and thus a non-static handling of the subject.

Blue Court | 2020 | 594 mm × 841 mm (4 × A3)
In cooperation with Gregor Sahl and Jana Lüti

Basuel | 2020 | .otf
For a befriended DJ I made stickers, Out of it resulted a display font.
Migma | 2022 | 420 mm × 594 mm
In cooperation with Basil Mayer
For the migma performance festival alles was ich tragen mag in Lucerne, a visual was created based on the essay The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction by Ursula K. Le Guin. The foldout poster was complemented by various social media trades.

Kleinwohnformen | 2020 | 420 mm × 594 mm
A dystopic future, with less space for everyone, made me write a manifesto of how space can be shared and used. The poster combines manifesto and construction manuals of how a bed can be used differently, when it is not used for sleeping. Some ideas are exaggerated to make the point of the manifesto more clear.

Diplom | 2023 | 150 mm × 210 mm
This publication shows the correspondence of a forgotten story from 1961. Ida Alis Lohse, fought for her rights as editor for the commemorative publication for the 60th birthday of her husband. Who finally wins this dispute can be read in the publication.
You will find more information here

Kauz Club Zürich | 2023 | 297 mm × 420 mm
In cooperation with Tim Oechslin
Sottsass | 2022 | 240 mm × 320 mm
This editorial shows the pictures that Ettore Sottsass took on his travels. The impressions he had in different places were a huge inspiration for his crea- tive work, where he often made references to different cultures. The photographs are accompanied by a text in which Sottsass himself speaks over the lines and so has an own voice throughout the book.

Tankkeller | 2021-2022
In cooperation with Imma Caretta
Tankkeller is a temporary space for culture in Egnach TG. Together with Imma Caretta I did the whole Corporate Design which contains printed matter, website, social media etc. Our main focus on the project was, to create an identity that was accessible for as many people possible. With the concept having stickers as the main design element, we were able to have a strong identity and keeping the production cost low.

Daydance | 2023 | 895 mm × 1280 mm
In cooperation with Basil Mayer
For the DAYDANCE from HEK, CIVIC, HGK We designed the poster and digital media.

Kauz Club Zürich | 2022 | 297 mm × 420 mm
In cooperation with Tim Oechslin